My thoughts on tapering
The significance of tapering The focal point of a taper period or tapering is to ready the body, mind and spirit for a peak performance on race day. This period of training fits roughly between your last Build period and race day. The significance of tapering is to freshen your body, mind and spirit by ridding it of accumulated fatigue. As fatigue vacates the body one should start to feel rejuvenated, energetic, sharp, snappy and excited to race. If one does not understand the significance of tapering, like most new endurance athletes, then ones athletic performance could be handicapped. Most new athletes or those making endurance sports more than just a hobby have a difficult time benefiting from tapering. I believe that the major obstacle preventing athletes from benefiting from a taper is the way in which they view their fitness. More often than not athletes associate their fitness levels with how hard they train or the level of fatigue they hav...