"Are you feeling any fatigue?"
For the past 3 weeks Matt has been asking me the same question, "Are you feeling any fatigue?" My response every time has been an emphatic, "NO", followed by some phrase like, "that's all you got, bring it, don't hold out on me, I feel great, Let's goooo, etc, etc" Looking back I should have asked him why he was asking me that question so often? Oddly enough when you are feeling great and making progress there is little proper reflection and critique. In reality one should be looking even closer at those sessions that you nail to the point of over analysis. So taking some of my own advice, here is my reflection of the past two months: For the past two months I have trained hard 7 days a week. I figure that I have hit 95% of my training goals and without a doubt have improved my fitness and knowledge of triathlon. Within the past 2 months I have only had 2-3 scheduled days off (I trained anyway) and have only missed 1 training session ...