Its been over a year
This past weekend was an exciting weekend for me. I had a friend's wedding to celebrate as well as some very fun training to tackle. I had a blast at the wedding on Friday night and was eager to get out Saturday on my bike and crush a race specific session. My original plan was to take off from Rocky Point but on my way there I realized I had forgot my Garmin so I turned around to grab it. After getting over this slight annoyance I got myself together and decided to head out from Stony Brook. I headed out East on 25A from Stony Brook on a beautiful, warm fall day. The warm up was for 30 minutes slightly below race pace. The exciting part of the session was the 1:30 at race pace then 30 minutes above race pace. No sooner had I began to lift my effort than shit hit the fan. I had just made it past Rocky Point and was feeling great. I had past a few cyclists on my way out there which was to be expected since its a very popular road to cycle on. ...