Finding My Ultra 2.1

Goals for the first month of Finding My Ultra:

1. Consistency: CHECK
2. Frequency: CHECK
3. Average Mileage per week between 20-30: CHECK
4. Form>Pace: CHECK
5. Homework: CHECK

Consistency and frequency were my two top priorities for the first month of base training. Both of these were achieved. I was able to run for the entire month of October without any hiccups.  I started off running five days a week and then at the midway point increased the frequency to six days a week. The pattern for each week was essentially the same; Monday through Friday I ran before work, Saturday I would be finished by sunrise and Sundays I pedaled my bike.  Im headed into November full of confidence, curiosity and a sense of adventure.

October and November are being treated as base building. I achieved my goal of averaging 20-30 miles per week (I averaged closer to 25-30 miles/week).  My runs alternated between "hard" and "easy".  This alternating pattern was a good way to ensure a slow, steady progression as well as a self-limiter in regulating my intrinsic "faster, farther, harder" attitude. I'd have to say that my body has responded quite well to the volume of running. I can feel my fitness improving, there have been no abnormal aches or pains and mentally I'm craving more. I'm very excited to lay down another month of training to this foundation then reflect and reassess my training starting in December.

I have made a lot of progress over the past couple of years with my running.  I have really tried to hone my technique so that I can be as efficient as possible. As I find my ultra technique is going to be vital.  As my training progresses it will be my technique that will get me safely through it.  Any type of flaw will be magnified as the distance, intensity and duration increase. 

My "easy" runs were no faster then 10min/mi pace and more times then not I was pushing the running stroller. My "fast" runs were no faster then 7min/mi pace and averaged 7:30-7:45min/mi pace.  "Long" runs were at a very comfortable 8-8:25min/mi pace. I certainly plan to redefine "easy", "fast" and "long" as the months go by,  my fitness improves and I learn more about ultra running.

I also just signed up for a 15K trail race for a little motivation.  This race takes place locally on what Im going to assume are flat and fast single track trails. I should really do some homework on this race. 

Here is to another month of Finding My Ultra!


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