I need a test
Six months of training is almost complete. I have endured freezing, body numbing bike rides, pitch dark, head lamp wearing runs, 4:00am swim sessions, mind numbing time on the trainer and treadmill and sleep deprivation all for what? To get to where I am today. With all the time and sacrifice put into training for this season I can say confidently that I'm getting into the best shape of my life. I have come out on top of almost every physical test that was thrown at me. Ive made improvements physically, mentally, and emotionally and have become a better person because of it. However where do I stand compared to everyone else? Have I made the necessary gains to better my competition? It's hard for me to say since I have only raced myself or should I say the clock? I'm starting to think that I need a true test, a race, to use as a litmus test. Thankfully I have my first race in a month or else I would be trying to race people in the pool, treadmill or road. This f...